Open Pay gifts earners with 2% of their salary with which to reward others who influence them.
There’s always more smart people outside your company than inside.
So, both strangers across the web and
people inside your company who influence you are rewarded automatically.
What you earn depends on 3 things: 1) who you influence and how much they earn 2) where you rank among all the people
influencing them during the pay period and 3) your level of participation.
At the default 2% level, you earn based on a maximum of 2% from the people you influence.
For example, if your CEO earns $500K and participates at 10%, he'd make $50K available
each year to pay people who influence him. At the default 2% level, you would only be
eligible to receive influence payments based on 2% of his pay, or $10K per year. But, if you
reciprocated at 5%, you'd be eligible to receive payments based on $25K of his pay.
Influence is productivity. What influence
we’re able to track depends on 3 things: 1) the availability of downloadable listeners for
your laptop, smart phone or other digital device 2) how much of your year you choose to
share with us 3) how much of their year (the people you influence) they choose to share with us.
Once you download the listener(s), you just work normally, and do what you do. Open Pay works
automatically in the background. You can specify that none of your year is retained, or delete
any or all of it at any time. To increase your influence and earning potential, you can
open your year to selected people by making it serachable and linkable.