The EARNDEX works like a stock market index. Every day it tracks the week-to-week fluctuations of keywords across 10 news categories of interest to earners, with links to the top stories. Ever wonder how much of the news is focused on the middle class, as compared to the top 1%? Find out here. |
Sharing Economy
How to be CoolerLast time, we broke down for you, “How to be a billionaire“. This time, we want to talk about something even more important, “How to be cooler”. 98.6 F. If you’re feeling well right now (and we hope you are), that’s very likely your body temperature. Everything has an ideal temperature range where it feels well and/or... [Read more of this post]
Small Actions and the Big ZeroAccording to Nobel winning economist Paul Krugman, the last decade in the USA, amounted to no job creation, no gains for homeowners and no gains in the stock market. In economic terms, the decade was a Big Zero. What Krugman failed to say in his NY Times Op-Ed, but has emphasized on earlier occasions (watch the video for details), is that the fatal... [Read more of this post]
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EarnersTrickler“Trickle down”, “Trickle Up”. Ever wonder who came up with... How to be a BillionaireAll total, there are 372 billionaires in the US worth about 1.3 trillion all together.... X JobsBoth Robert Reich and Leo Hindery are among the few speaking up to make sure the... Read More Posts on Earning |
Super EarnersMore Tax or Less Tax?In representative democracies, tax policy, and public policy, generally, are a function... Class Cooperation. Not Class Warfare.If you earn more then $325K in the US, you’re in the top 1% of all earners.... He earned $556M in 2008. Should Oracle CEO, Larry Ellison, share his wealth?Oracle CEO, Larry Ellison. Send Larry a message. Take the 2 minute survey. Read More → Read More Posts on Super Earning |